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Family Constellation



In a family constellation information is available that is “in the air” like in a special WLAN field. This information refers to all relations of a human being, the state of his soul, his organs and symptoms. They expose the true energetic cause of a disease or problem, often the result of unresolved trauma in an earlier generation of the family.


The family system is set up spatially in a therapy group or in individual therapy. The positions (for instance father, mother, child, etc.) are arranged to one another in the room and represented by members of the therapy group. This is a phenomenon that is initially astonishing. Like radio receivers, the positioned representatives perceive information from the energy field of the person represented. They begin to feel like the real family members, even though they are not present or perhaps long passed away. This makes the (secret) relationship structure of the family visible.

This brings new possibilities to achieve peace with the past. Inherited negative emotions  and guilt can be given back. Family constellations have a deeply healing effect, because an astonishing power arises from the solution to shape one's life in a self-determined and independent way.


In the following situations it make sense to do a family constellation:


  • whenever problems arise in life which you cannot solve yourself: physical or mental disease, for instance cancer, heart and lung diseases, skin diseases, depression, drug or alcohol addiction, anxiety disorders and much more

  • relationship disorders, couple problems, problems with children, unfulfilled wish for a partner, discontentment with the situation in your present life 

  • problems at work, conflicts with colleagues, burn-out syndrome, lack of success, financial problems


With my system constellations I combine various other methods which I have experienced  as effective and beneficial, such as shamanic rituals, music, sound, dance and meditation.


The fee for a family-constellation is 150 euros per hour (60 minutes). The appointment can last up to 1.5 or 2 hours.

If you live abroad, book an online-session. The flat rate for an online-session is 250 euros for 1 - 2 hours


Make an appointment
Tel.+49 (0)173 82 66 263
Book an online-session
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